Welcomes and Introductions---Start here! šŸ‘‹

Glad to see Adriano signing up. Interesting that we missed each other by a hair in 2016ā€”as I was leaving, you were pulled back in.

2 Appreciations

Hello everyone! Iā€™m Syd! I go by they/them. Some tags that apply; non binary, neurodiverse/disabled, punk and proudly queer! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I started playing TTRPGs under because my fiancƩe encouraged me to, slightly before the onset of the whole pandemic ordeal. Clearly, as for many others, the pandemic prompted me to lean into this type of game even more. My first real campaign has been with Shadowrun, 5e - and still going on as I write.
I tried D&D 5e andā€¦ I really donā€™t like it. Curse of Strahd managed to bypass my reluctance, probably because I liked the quality writing of the module. Itā€™s mostly high fantasy (of the medieval-europe kind in particular) I cannot stand; I donā€™t know why. I am a fan of Dragon Age and its lore, but I havenā€™t tried the tabletop version. If there is an habitat for me, itā€™s the strange and surreal. Some other games I tried and enjoyed: Shadow of The Demon Lord, Trophy Dark, Troika. Yeah, I am definitely not that experienced.

I am trying to make myself better as a player and, one day when Iā€™ll muster up the courage, as a GM. Perhaps even as a person, I certainly hope so and strive for such a goal. I am also interested in game design and a long list of subjects I will avoid in order to avoid all of you death by boredom.

Cheers! :game_die:

8 Appreciations

Hi and welcome!

Seems to my an excellent topic for your first actual play. Do you want to share your experience with us? :kissing_smiling_eyes:

2 Appreciations

Wow, so many people already here!

Hello all, Iā€™m a player (and, mostly, a game master) of D&D-like games. Iā€™m also a blogger but my blog, unfortunately, is in Italian language only.

I started playing more than 20 years ago with AD&D 2e (although I might have had a mysterious first experience before), I used D&D 3.5 for many years, then I started developing my own ā€œfrankensteinā€ which is obviously still under development (it will never really stop). From time to time I tried and enjoyed other ā€œsimilarā€ games like D&D 5e, The White Box, Old School Essentials, Cairn, Mazes, Archangel GIST.

I also had some very limited experience with a few PbtA games, and it was my honor to be introduced to The Pool by @Froggy himself.

I donā€™t believe in tags and categories, only in people. This applies to RpGs and to all the rest as well.

Iā€™m really happy to share this new place with all of you!

8 Appreciations

Welcome @coelicidium and @Bille.Boo !

@Bille.Boo is very humble, but heā€™s been great help in the development of my game-in-the-making Inquest, which I plan to release under a Creative Commons license. I will post something about it soonish, but probably in the context of an actual play report.

Him and @LordPersi are some of the players I find myself more philosophically close to, despite all of us having different temperaments and playing different kinds of games in practice.

I think the word youā€™re looking for is labels. I agree. Labels donā€™t help anyone.

3 Appreciations

Welcome, Syd (@coelicidium)!

I understand your reaction to traditional ā€œhigh fantasyā€; I often struggle with that myself, and find 5e quite off-putting because of the style/genre/aesthetics baked into the game. Sometimes that can be tough in a 5e-dominated, really-high-fantasy-loving world of RPGs! So I feel you.

And also a big welcome to @Bille.Boo and @Karaburan! Nice to see so many people here from La Locanda as well :slight_smile:

4 Appreciations

Hello, Iā€™ll likely be more of a lurker than active poster, but here goes.

Iā€™ve started my roleplaying somewhere during the early 90s, had my dabble with AD&D, but mostly my beginner games were:

Iā€™ve since then grown a pretty hefty library of games, going from GURPS and HƂRN to more lightweight systems, and even tried really minimalist ones with the help of @Froggy who ignited my passion for roleplaying again.

Iā€™ve mostly been stuck 90% of the time as a game master in d20 based systems like Starfinder and 5th edition D&D, but Iā€™m always looking for new experiences. Pleased to make your acquaintance. :wave:

8 Appreciations

Hi all,

Been here for some days and forgot to say hallo, so here I am.

I am Nicola Urbinati, you could know me for some intalian localization (Fate, The Sprawl, Seco Creek, Noirlandia and many others) and some italian products (among them Evolution Pulse also in english), or from chatting around in the old G+ or in some of the post-G+ scenes.
Or playing/chatting with me during some italian con.

I began playing ttrpg when my cousin gifted me with the red box, then went on through Vampire, CoC, Cyberpunk, MERP, and all of the others untill I met with Fate, and that made me switch to more indie/story/forgy/whateveryoucallthem games, and also made me want to start publishing them in italy to help spread some good games around.

Iā€™m very pleased to see many of you here, hope to have some interesting and insightful chats!

13 Appreciations

Just seeing Pendragonā€™s cover makes me happy.

2 Appreciations

Hi all. My nameā€™s Matt; a lot of familiar faces here from Story Games days as well as from those halcyon days of Dreamation and DexCon circa 2007 - 2016, where I had many of my formative RPG experiences.

I became interested in TTRPGs when I was 10, in 1992, but was never able to play regularly until beginning college. My experiences at my first college were mixed but mostly negative; after I transferred schools, my gaming experience improved as well. I began LARPing regularly, and became friends with a number of really thoughtful gamers, including one relationship that would completely change the trajectory of my life, that with PH Lee (formerly known as Ben Lehman; the author of Polaris and a bunch of other cool games). It was they who got me interested in this newfangled indie RPG thing, mainly by showing me The Riddle of Steel, still one of my all-time favorite games.

I have a lot to say and will try not to ramble on too long. Some bullet points:
-I have a higher tolerance for / interest in somewhat-traditional play than many people who come from the Forge-ite tradition
-I really like ā€œtrindieā€ games such as Coriolis (@Paul_T played in my amnesia campaign using that system) and Fantasy Flightā€™s Star Wars game. In other words, I really love longer campaigns, characters who improve mechanically over time, detailed combat, and some of those other trappings, but I also really need flag mechanics in order for games of that type to really ā€œsingā€ for me.
-Although Iā€™m sick of it now and have vowed not to touch it ever again, Iā€™ve had a lot of success and fun with 5E as a GM, mainly by having a very focused set of house rules that turn it into something more akin to something like Coriolis in terms of charactersā€™ personal characteristics mattering.
-I moved to Boston during the pandemic and have reconnected with friends from my college gaming group, who are primarily interested in LARP. Iā€™ve played in a number of interesting LARPs in the last few years, including @jmstar 's amazing The Line, and have even dipped my toes back into LARP writing.
-Iā€™m very into video games, especially open-world action RPGs, and have done work on translating some of my favorites into TTRPG settings.

-Recent / ongoing / upcoming games include: 5E, Blades in the Dark (running a one-shot on Saturday!), Godbound, and Fabula Ultima.

Ugh. I feel like Iā€™m leaving out too much, but have also written quite a bit already, so Iā€™ll leave off there. Iā€™ll try to post in AP about some of my recent campaigns.

10 Appreciations

Matt! Good to see you man.

1 Appreciation

Right on, Matt! Some stuff here I didnā€™t know about you - very interesting. Iā€™m glad youā€™re here!

2 Appreciations

Hello, Iā€™m Mark (he/him), and I was clued in to this space by @Paul_T. I live in Arizona, USA.

I was introduced to RPGs in 1980 by the Holmes Basic D&D set. I soon moved on to AD&D 1st ed. and spent my formative years playing it, Champions (1st and 2nd ed.), Villains & Vigilantes, Star Frontiers, Call of Cthulhu, and a bit of Rolemaster. I sat out of the hobby in the '90s, but was drawn back in when D&D 3rd ed. was released. I played a lot of that and HERO 5th ed. Soon, however, I discovered Burning Wheel, which led me to the Forge and the indie publishing scene tied to it. I enjoy all kinds of RPGs now, but my tastes run to small press games, ā€œtrindieā€ games, and older games of all stripes.

Some of the most memorable campaigns Iā€™ve played include a full run of Civil War for Marvel Heroic, a D&D 3e campaign that went all the way from 1st to 20th level, and a five year HERO 5th edition campaign. A lot of my gaming these days is shorter-lived: I recently rediscovered Rolemaster and played a four-session run, played about that many sessions of a Burning Wheel con playtest, and just started a short campaign of Conan 2d20.

My small claims to fame are having administered a thrice-yearly game-day at my local game store for about eight years and being graced with an editor credit for the first edition of Torchbearer. :grin:

I was semi-active on the Forge for a while, posted a lot on Story Games, and lurk on Adept Play. The focus of this community feels right up my alley, so I look forward to participating.

11 Appreciations

Nice to see you, Mark! Woo!

@Urbaman so happy to see you here man! Nicola is too humble: he has helped to publish in Italy a lot of games like The Sprawl, FATE, On Mighty Thews, Sweet Agatha, and Sagas of the Icelanders. Glad to have Nicola among us.

3 Appreciations

Hello there,

Iā€™m Francesco (he/him), everyone calls me Bobo. Iā€™ve started to play D&D red box, introduced by my father to this hobby. Iā€™ve kept playing d&d, with 3.5e and 5e intermittently until 2018, when I discovered Dungeon World.

ā€¦ that was my first look into the rabbit hole, cause there I started to look for d&d alternatives which can ā€œmake things betterā€. I received lot of good input from ā€œLa Locanda del Drago Rossoā€, an Italian podcast that, even if I no more agree with him for many points of view, at that time was the main reason that led me to look for a more aware way to play RPG.

After a long period of time when I felt reached to the finish line, ā€œexpertā€, as a player, I started to question my play style again, this year. I consider myself an ever-growing player (or, sometime an idiot :joy:, cause I keep playing some game finding that "last time Iā€™ve played Iā€™ve done this and this wrong - thatā€™s the story of my life).

This happens mainly thanks to users meet at Locanda dei GDR, where Iā€™m still active.

Iā€™m here cause Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve appreciate the work done by froggy in his other forum, and why not try to interact with a larger pool of users?

I donā€™t want to speak about every single game Iā€™ve tried in the last years, I left some pic here as someone already made.

When I do not play RPG I work in IT as developer and play videogames on pc.

Something Iā€™ve played more or less recently ā€¦


8 Appreciations

Youā€™ll be happy to know he also doesnā€™t agree with himself any more, specifically on the points you disagree with. Il Rosso has evolved for the better. I respect him a lot for that.

And welcome, obviously. Glad to have you, youā€™ve been a great contributor on La Locanda. Itā€™s been exciting seeing you grow.

4 Appreciations

And welcome to @Deliverator @Mark_Delsing @Urbaman @Byakko . Itā€™s great to get this eclectic intersection of people. Thatā€™s exactly what I wanted for this space.

4 Appreciations

So excited to see someone else who knows Fabula Ultima! Not surprising given the Italian contingent of this forum. Does anyone here know Emanuele?

Iā€™m beyond happy that FabU won Game of the Year at the Ennies.

5 Appreciations

Hello everybody!

Iā€™m Eugenio (he/him). My first ever RPG session dates back to sometimes around the early 2000s, when I collected some friends at a Summer camp and ran a couple of sessions of Tiers Age. That was literally it for years. Now that I think about it, in those years I recall at least two groups of ā€œolderā€ kids that used to play D&D and wouldnā€™t even let me listen to them because I was ā€œtoo youngā€. Which also implies that I totally donā€™t know whether they were playing AD&D 2 or D&D 3.0/3.5, but itā€™s not particularly relevant.

My RPG history resumed some five or so years ago, while I was a PhD candidate. A guy in my department arranged some crazy sessions with like everybody around our age, so quite obviously a good chunk of these people simply quit after the first session. This is where my nickname comes from: Eujohn was the name of my first ever character, a rogue generated with the D&D 3.5 character generator that can be found as one of the first results on Googleā€¦ despite the fact that the rules were a hodgepodge of whatever the DM recalled.

As soon as that campaign went awry due to people moving abroad for work reasons, I started looking for new groups and alternatives and, quite luckily, a nerd bar opened around that time a hundred meters away from my place, so I started attending the various events they used to organize, with D&D one shots on Tuesdays and, once a month, one shots of whatever stroke the mastersā€™ fancy. Then I also started playing online via Discord and lurking various chats and forums, among which I also number La Locanda dei GdR (and Iā€™m here after @Froggyā€™s post over there).

Nowadays Iā€™m part of a local association that organizes three RPG events per month in Milan and lend my hand in arranging COSMO, an online monthly convention where the Italian OSR community has a chance to play together despite the distance (not only OSR, I must say, as @Froggy mentioned here people in the Italian OSR community are mostly open to various play styles).

Iā€™m pretty open to playing almost anything under the sun. Currently Iā€™m playing a Monsterhearts 2 season and running a Fantasy World campaign, plus some one shots in the funnel for next month. I also recently finished an adventure for Brancalonia run by @Bille.Boo. Among my favorite RPGs I can name Polaris (that I played once in the regular setting and once in a homemade color hack inspired by Cyberpunk Edgerunner), Clink (this I ran once in a quite vanilla spaghetti western setting and then I played in a weird/horror adventure devised by an RPG-friend, but it quickly devolved to our characters being the most gruesome source of horror), and Fedora Noir. Ah, as a recent game I also recall Where Sunflowers Grow, which has become an inside joke with members of the association.

8 Appreciations