Temporary Invite-Only

Hello all,

I’ve been feeling extremely stressed by the amount of new users that signed up in a few days, and already having to deal with a major conflict in the first week.

On one hand, this is much more than I expected, so it’s a great success. On the other, I need to take care of my well-being, and this is a necessary measure towards that, while I take some time recuperating, and as well working towards establishing the culture of the site.

Therefore, the forum is going temporarily invite-only, as well as requiring log-in to see the content.

If you want to vouch for a friend to join, please send me a message.

Thank you all for the interest you’ve shown in Wynwerod.

9 Appreciations

The forum is still going to remain invite-only for the time being, but I’ve made it public to read again. The Hidden/Off-Topic section is members-only.

Signups are back to normal. I’m unlisting this topic to avoid confusing new users.